The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum environment is evolving. The challenges involved with threat detection, avoidance, and countermeasures in electronic warfare continue to change as technology advances. To address this, you need flexible, scalable threat simulation and analysis solutions.
Electro Rent partners with leading manufacturers to provide high-performance COTS equipment to test and validate electronic warfare innovations while optimizing capital and operating budgets. Our flexible rental programs provide fast access to leading EW test solutions.
Use electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy.
Electromagnetic Environment Effects (E3) Testing tests the ability of a system to operate in its intended electromagnetic environment. Today’s complex military operational environment is characterized by an increasingly congested electromagnetic spectrum coupled with a reduction of spectrum allocated for exclusive military use. In order to be able to rule out possible hazardous effects or exceeding limit values, E3 needs to be tested.
Test solutions to accelerate new satellite development, from design and simulation to verification and manufacturing through deployment.