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Specials & Promotions

Discover exclusive offers and savings on limited-time promotions from top OEMs like Keysight, Tektronix, Rohde & Schwarz, Keithley, Anritsu and more. Electro Rent’s exclusive deals allow you to maximize your spend while still getting the testing technology that meets your needs.

Boost your measurements with a 30% discount on selected products

Receive 30% discount on TBS 1000C (100Mhz and 200Mhz) including its repair and calibration plans.

Rent or Buy the Keysight FieldFox Handheld RF Anaylser

Carry precision into the field with the advanced FieldFox handheld RF analyser from Keysight.

Crazy 4Bundle - Special Discount on the 4 Series B MSO

Receive 30% discount on TBS 1000C (100Mhz and 200Mhz) including its repair and calibration plans.

Rent the Rohde & Schwarz Oscilloscopes

Supporting bandwidths up to 16ghz, these outstanding instruments are the ideal test solution for cutting-edge applications and the latest industry standards. With units in stock and ready to rent, we will help you start testing right away. 

Rohde & Schwarz Automotive Testing Solutions

As R&S’s preferred rental partner, our rental solutions help you access these powerful Rohde & Schwarz products fast and at affordable rates, avoiding long lead times and freeing you from CAPEX constraints.

Rent the complete EMI precompliance measurement solution

The EMI measurement application, option K54, from Rohde and Schwarz adds a suite of EMI precompliance measurement functions to their industry leading spectrum analysers.

Rent the BBA from Rohde & Schwarz

BBA150:Advanced Microwave Amplifier Technology from R&S

Rent the CMX/CMW from Rohde & Schwarz

CMW and CMX: Advanced Radio Communication Testing from R&S 

Find Ex-Demo Instruments from VIAVI

This is an excellent opportunity to pick up high-quality instruments at heavily discounted prices.

Keysight Now Program

As Keysight’s Premier Rental Partner we’re able to provide unrivalled access to a wide range of their latest and most in-demand technologies to support your test requirements. The Keysight Now Program helps you keep your projects on track whilst managing budgets and protecting CAPEX investment. 

Latest Telecoms Certified Pre-owned Equipment Offers

Access essential equipment for your Telecoms projects with huge potential savings through our Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) equipment programme. Through managing the largest global inventory of test and measurement equipment we are able to provide pre-owned equipment maintained to the highest standards. 

Latest RF/uW Pre-Owned Equipment Offers

Access essential equipment for your RF/uW projects with huge potential savings through our Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) equipment programme. Through managing the largest global inventory of test and measurement equipment we are able to provide pre-owned equipment maintained to the highest standards

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