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Presupuesto Rápido: Keysight Technologies N1913A

Keysight Technologies N1913A

EPM Series Single-Channel Power Meter
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RF & Microwave Power
Keysight Technologies

Los modelos configurados tienen las siguientes opciones:

RF & Microwave PowerNoise & OtherRF Power Meters185GHz <
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Opciones disponibles para Keysight Technologies N1913A

Opción IDDescripción
Sensor cable 1.5m/5ft (11730A)
Sensor cable 3m/10ft (11730B)
Sensor cable 6.1m/20ft (11730C)
Sensor cable 15.2m/50ft (11730D)
Sensor cable 30.5m/100ft (11730E)
Sensor cable 61m/200ft (11730F)
Transit case for half-rack 2U high instruments (e.g., 34401A)
Yellow soft carry/operating case
Accessory pouch for 34401A, 33120/250A, 34970A, 53131A, etc.
English language user and installation guide; printed
English language programming guide
English language service guide, printed
Certificate of compliance calibration - ISO 17025 with test data, printed
Delete power sensor cable
Include power sensor cable, 11730A length 5-ft (1.5m)
Single channel average power meter
Code compatibility for 436A and 437B
Single channel average power meter with VGA, trigger in/out, 1 front and 1 rear USB port
Power cord - United Kingdom
Power cord - Australia and New Zealand
Power cord - Continental Europe
Power cord - United States and Canada -120V
Power cord - United States and Canada -240V
Power cord - Switzerland
Rackmount kit (one instrument)
Rackmount kit with 2 units side by side
Power cord - Denmark
Power cord - India
Power cord - Japan - 100V
Power cord - Israel
Power cord - Argentina
Power cord - Chile
Power cord - China - 250V
Power cord - South Africa
Power cord - Thailand and Philippines
Power cord - Brazil
Power cord - Taiwan
Power cord - Cambodia
Certificate of compliance calibration - ANSI/NCSL Z540 with test data, printed
English language user and programming guide, printed
Japan - Japanese user guide and English programming guide, printed
Front calibrator, front sensor
Front calibrator, parallel front and rear sensor
Rear calibrator, parallel front and rear sensor
Documentation Optical Disk
Standalone upgrades for N1913A
Perpetual license - Code compatibility for 436A and 437B
Power Sensor, 100kHz to 18GHz, -35 to +20dBm with options 100, STD
Average Power Sensor, 100kHz to 4.2GHz, 0dBm to +44dBm with options 100, 025, CFT
Power Sensor - Thermocouple, average, 50MHz to 50GHz with options 100, STD
Calibration Assurance Plan - Return to Keysight - 3 years
Calibration Assurance Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years
ISO 17025 Compliant Calibration - 3 years
ISO 17025 Compliant Calibration - 5 years
ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 3 years
ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years
Warranty Assurance Plan - Return to Keysight - 5 years
Warranty, 3mth for included accessories
Flyer, PowerPlus promotion

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Power Meter - Average, single channel

ID de producto: P-607167


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Power Meter - Average, single channel; Single channel average power meter

ID de producto: P-244912

N1913A-101 • Single channel average power meter

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Power Meter - Average, single channel

ID de producto: P-548772

N1913A-C01 • Front calibrator, front sensorN1913A-903 • Power cord - United States and Canada -120VN1913A-201 • Single channel average power meter with VGA, trigger in/out, 1 front and 1 rear USB portN1913A-908 • Rackmount kit (one instrument)N1913A-005 • Include power sensor cable, 11730A length 5-ft (1.5m)

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Power Meter - Average, single channel

ID de producto: P-436611

N1913A-201 • Single channel average power meter with VGA, trigger in/out, 1 front and 1 rear USB portN1913A-A6J • Certificate of compliance calibration - ANSI/NCSL Z540 with test data, printedN1913A-004 • Delete power sensor cableN1913A-C03 • Rear calibrator, parallel front and rear sensor

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Power Meter - Average, single channel

ID de producto: P-616942

N1913A-902 • Power cord - Continental EuropeN1913A-101 • Single channel average power meterN1913A-1A7 • Certificate of compliance calibration - ISO 17025 with test data, printed

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Power Meter - Average, single channel; Include power sensor cable, 11730A length 5-ft (1.5m)

ID de producto: P-616941

N1913A-005 • Include power sensor cable, 11730A length 5-ft (1.5m)

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* Los precios y la disponibilidad están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Todos los precios pueden variar debido a los términos de envío, el IVA o el impuesto de ventas, los aranceles de importación y los tipos de cambio. Los productos pueden no estar disponibles en todas las ubicaciones. Cualquier ahorro listado se basa en el precio de lista completo de instrumentos nuevos; Los ahorros reales pueden variar según las opciones, la configuración, los tipos de cambio de divisas y otros factores. La garantía puede variar según la categoría o el producto específico disponible. Todos los términos deben ser confirmados en el presupuesto por escrito.

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