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Presupuesto Rápido: Keysight Technologies N9068EM0E

Keysight Technologies N9068EM0E

Phase Noise Measurement Application, Multitouch UI
Keysight Technologies

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Opciones disponibles para Keysight Technologies N9068EM0E

Opción IDDescripción
USB read-only licensing dongle - FLEX10
License certificate delivery - email only
Noise Figure Measurement Application
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
6-months, node-locked, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12 months, node-locked, license, software support subscription
24-months, node-locked, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, node-locked, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
6-months, floating(single site), license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12 months, floating (single site), license, software support subscription
24-months, floating(single site), license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, floating(single site), license, KeysightCare software support subscription
6-months, transportable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12 months, transportable, license, software support subscription
24-months, transportable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, transportable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
6-months, USB portable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12 months, USB portable, license, software support subscription
24-months, USB portable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, USB portable, license, KeysightCare software support subscription
6-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
24-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, floating (single region) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
6-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
12-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
24-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
36-months, floating (worldwide) license, KeysightCare software support subscription
Node-locked license
Floating (single site) license
Transportable license
USB portable license
Floating (single region) perpetual license
Floating (worldwide) perpetual license
12-months, node-locked, software support subscription
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 24months
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 36months
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 60months
12-months, floating (single site), software support subscription
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating(single site) - 24months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating(single site) - 36months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating(single site) - 60months
12-months, transportable, software support subscription
KeysightCare software support subscription, transportable - 24months
KeysightCare software support subscription, transportable - 36months
KeysightCare software support subscription, transportable - 60months
12-months, USB portable, software support subscription
KeysightCare software support subscription, USB portable - 24months
KeysightCare software support subscription, USB portable - 36months
KeysightCare software support subscription, USB portable - 60months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (single region) - 12 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (single region) - 24 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (single region) - 36 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (single region) - 60 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (worldwide) - 12 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (worldwide) - 24 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (worldwide) - 36 months
KeysightCare software support subscription, floating (worldwide) - 60 months
USB read-only licensing dongle - FLEX10
Node-locked perpetual license
Node-locked subscription license, 12 months, KeysightCare software support
12 months, Node-locked KeysightCare software support subscription

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Phase Noise Measurement Application; Node-locked license

ID de producto: P-605348

R-Y5C-001-A • Node-locked license

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Soluciones Financieras

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Phase Noise Measurement Application

ID de producto: P-549084

R-Y5C-004-D • Transportable licenseR-Y6C-004-L • 12-months, transportable, software support subscription

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto


Soluciones Financieras

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Phase Noise Measurement Application

ID de producto: P-649749

R-Y4C-002-L • 12 months, floating (single site), license, software support subscription

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto


Soluciones Financieras

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Phase Noise Measurement Application

ID de producto: P-653252

N9069EM0E • Noise Figure Measurement ApplicationR-Y6C-001-L • 12-months, node-locked, software support subscriptionN9069EM0E-R-Y5C-001-A • Node-locked perpetual licenseN9069EM0E-R-Y6C-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsR-Y5C-001-A • Node-locked license

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto


Soluciones Financieras

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Phase Noise Measurement Application

ID de producto: P-654847

SW1000-SUP-01 • 12 months, Node-locked KeysightCare software support subscriptionSW1000-LIC-01 • Node-locked perpetual license

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto


Soluciones Financieras

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Phase Noise Measurement Application; Transportable license

ID de producto: P-605373

R-Y5C-004-D • Transportable license

Confirmado en Presupuesto



Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto


Soluciones Financieras

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Mostrando 1 - 6 de 8 resultados

* Los precios y la disponibilidad están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Todos los precios pueden variar debido a los términos de envío, el IVA o el impuesto de ventas, los aranceles de importación y los tipos de cambio. Los productos pueden no estar disponibles en todas las ubicaciones. Cualquier ahorro listado se basa en el precio de lista completo de instrumentos nuevos; Los ahorros reales pueden variar según las opciones, la configuración, los tipos de cambio de divisas y otros factores. La garantía puede variar según la categoría o el producto específico disponible. Todos los términos deben ser confirmados en el presupuesto por escrito.

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