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Presupuesto Rápido: Tektronix MSO64

Tektronix MSO64

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; 4 Channel
Familia de productos
Oscilloscopes & Logic Analyzers

Los modelos configurados tienen las siguientes opciones:

Oscilloscopes & Logic AnalyzersOscilloscopes > 3GHz - < 8GHz100MHz <= 1GHz1GHz <= 10GHz
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Opciones disponibles para Tektronix MSO64

Opción IDDescripción
Installed Option; Arbitrary function generator
Automotive Ethernet Compliance, Signal Separation, PAM3 Analysis, 100BASE-T1 Decode software
Automotive Ethernet Signal Separation
Installed Option; Automotive Ethernet (100Base-T1, 1000Base-T1) automated compliance test application
Installed option; DDR3 and LPDDR3 Automated Compliance Solution for 6 Series Oscilloscope (Min BW 4GHz (800MT/s), recommended BW 8GHz for testing all DDR3 speeds) using TekExpress Automation Platform. Requires 6-DBDDR3 and 6-DJA as pre-req
Installed option; MIPI D-PHY 1.2 Automated Compliance Solution for 6 Series Oscilloscopes (Min BW 4 GHz) using TekExpress Automation Platform;
Installed option; Ethernet (1000Base-T, 100Base-T, 10Base-T) Automated Compliance Solution for 6 Series Oscilloscope (Min BW 1 GHz) using TekExpress Automation Platform
Industrial Ethernet (10Base-T1L Long Reach ) automated compliance test solution
Installed Option; Ethernet (2.5G and 5G BASE-T) Automated Compliance Solution for 6 Series oscilloscopes (Min BW 2.5 GHz) using TekExpress Automation Platform
Installed Option; USB2.0 automated compliance test application (Requires TDSUSBF USB test fixture). 2.5 GHz bandwidth required for high-speed USB
Installed Option; Ethernet (10G BASE-T) Automated Compliance Solution for 6 Series oscilloscopes (Min BW 4 GHz) using TekExpress Automation Platform
Installed option; DDR3 and LPDDR3 Analysis and Debug Solution for 6 Series Oscilloscopes (Min BW 4GHz (800MT/s), recommended BW 8GHz for testing all DDR3 speeds).Requires 6-DJA as pre-requisite; Node Locked
Installed Option; Tekexpress automated LVDS test solution for 6 Series oscilloscopes
Installed Option; Advanced jitter and eye analysis
Installed Option; Digital Power Management Analysis Software
Installed Option; Mask testing
PAM3 Analysis software
Installed Option; Power Solution Bundle (PWR, THDP0200, TCP0030A, 067-1686-xx (deskew fixture))
Installed Option; Power measurement and analysis
Installed Option; Extend record length to 125M/ch maximum
Installed Option; Extend record length to 250M/ch maximum
Installed Option; Enhanced security for instrument declassification and password protected enabling and disabling of all communication ports and firmware upgrades
Installed Option; 8b10b Protocol Decoder and Search, No Hardware Trigger
Installed Option; Aerospace serial triggering and analysis (MIL-STD-1553, ARINC429)
Installed Option; Audio serial triggering and analysis (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM)
Installed Option; Automotive serial triggering and analysis (CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, FlexRay)
100Base-T1 automotive Ethernet protocol decode Software
Installed Option; Automotive sensor serial triggering and analysis (SENT)
Installed Option; Computer serial triggering and analysis (RS-232/422/485/UART)
Installed Option; Embedded serial triggering and analysis (I2C, SPI)
Installed Option; Ethernet serial triggering and analysis (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX)
Installed Option; I3C serial analysis
Installed Option; NRZ Protocol Decoder and Search, No Hardware Trigger
Installed Option; Power management serial triggering and analysis (SPMI)
Installed Option; SPACEWIRE Protocol Decoder>500 MHz bandwidth, No Hardware Trigger
Installed Option; USB serial triggering and analysis (USB 2.0 LS, FS, HS)
Installed Option; Increase Spectrum View Capture Bandwidth to 2 GHz
Installed Option; Spectrum View RF versus Time Analysis
Hard Case
Installed Option; 2.5 GHz Bandwidth
Installed Option; 4 GHz Bandwidth
Installed Option; 6 GHz Bandwidth
Installed Option; 8 GHz Bandwidth
Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows license

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-614786

6-RL-2 • Installed Option; Extend record length to 250M/ch maximum6-PWR • Installed Option; Power measurement and analysis6-DJA • Installed Option; Advanced jitter and eye analysisMSO64 6-BW-8000 • Installed Option; 8 GHz BandwidthMSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows licenseHC5 • Hard Case

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto

57.184,00 US$*103.720,00 US$

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-614784

MSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows licenseMSO64 6-BW-4000 • Installed Option; 4 GHz Bandwidth

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Disponibilidad confirmada en el presupuesto

28.995,00 US$*42.930,00 US$

Soluciones Financieras

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-614785

MSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows licenseMSO64 6-BW-8000 • Installed Option; 8 GHz Bandwidth

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-218186

MSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows licenseMSO64 6-BW-2500 • Installed Option; 2.5 GHz Bandwidth

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-218187

6-DJA • Installed Option; Advanced jitter and eye analysisMSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows license6-RL-2 • Installed Option; Extend record length to 250M/ch maximumMSO64 6-BW-6000 • Installed Option; 6 GHz Bandwidth6-SREMBD • Installed Option; Embedded serial triggering and analysis (I2C, SPI)6-SRCOMP • Installed Option; Computer serial triggering and analysis (RS-232/422/485/UART)

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6 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope; (4) FlexChannels with 62.5M record length

ID de producto: P-228235

MSO64 6-WIN • Installed Option; Removable SSD with Windows licenseMSO64 6-BW-2500 • Installed Option; 2.5 GHz BandwidthHC5 • Hard Case

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* Los precios y la disponibilidad están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Todos los precios pueden variar debido a los términos de envío, el IVA o el impuesto de ventas, los aranceles de importación y los tipos de cambio. Los productos pueden no estar disponibles en todas las ubicaciones. Cualquier ahorro listado se basa en el precio de lista completo de instrumentos nuevos; Los ahorros reales pueden variar según las opciones, la configuración, los tipos de cambio de divisas y otros factores. La garantía puede variar según la categoría o el producto específico disponible. Todos los términos deben ser confirmados en el presupuesto por escrito.

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