Exclusive Demo: Rohde & Schwarz MXO 4 Series

Join us for a live demo webinar as Rohde & Schwarz provides an exclusive peek at their next-generation oscilloscope, the MXO 4 Series:

- Review MXO 4 specifications

- Demo the MXO 4 scope in action


The new MXO 4 Series is one of the fastest and most accurate scopes available in the mid-level category. 

Join us for a live demo webinar as Rohde & Schwarz provides an exclusive peek at their next-generation oscilloscope, the MXO 4 Series:

- Review MXO 4 specifications

- Demo the MXO 4 scope in action

- Have a Q & A with a Rohde & Schwarz engineer

Learn more about the scope that sets new records on top specs!

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