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Quick quote: Tektronix DPS75004SX

Tektronix DPS75004SX

Configure Unit
ATI Performance Oscilloscope System; 2 x 50 GHz, 200 GS/s or 4 x 33 GHz, 100 GS/s
Product Family
Oscilloscopes & Logic Analyzers

Configured models contain the following attributes:

Oscilloscopes & Logic AnalyzersOscilloscopes 20GHz+
Key Specs
Product Overview

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Available Options for Tektronix DPS75004SX

TekExpress 10G-KR - 10G-KR Compliance Solution and DPOJET: 10G-KR measurements plug-in. (Requires Opt. DJA)
Extended record length: 125M/Ch
Extended record length: 250M/Ch
TekExpress 40G-CR4 - 40GBase-CR4 Compliance Solution and DPOJET: 40GBase-CR4 measurements plug-in. Suports IEEE 802.3-2012 Section 85. (Requires Opt. DJA)
Extended record length: 1G/Ch (2 Channels) 500M/Ch (4 Channels)
TekExpress 100G-TXE - 100Gbps TX Compliance Solution and DPOJET: CAUI4-TX, KR4-TX & CR4-TX measurements plug-ins. Supports IEEE-802.3bm: CAUI4 and IEEE-802.3bj: KR4/CR4. (Requires Opt. DJA, DJAN)
TekExpress 400G-TXE - 400G Electrical Tx Compliance Solution & DPOJET: CAUI4-TX measurements plug-in. Supports IEEE-802.3bs/cd: 400GAUI/200G-KR/CR: OIF-CEI (VSR/MR/LR). (Requires Opt. DJA, DJAN, PAM4, SDLA64)
TekExpress - 400Gck Electrical Tx Compliance & Measurement Solution: Supports IEEE-802.3ck: 400G/200G/100G AUI at 53 GBaud (Requires Opt. DJA, PAMJET-E, PAM400GCK)
High Speed Serial Bit Error Rate Detector up to 14.1Gbps (Does not include Frame Error Detector. For 70KSX models only.) (Requires Opt. ST14G)
Calibration service 3 years.Includes traceable calibration or functional verification where applicable, for recommended calibrations. Coverage includes the initial calibration plus 2 years calibration coverage.
Calibration service 5 years.Includes traceable calibration or functional verification where applicable, for recommended calibrations. Coverage includes the initial calibration plus 4 years calibration coverage.
DPOJET: CIO Tx/Rx Measurement Plugin. Supports DP2.0, TBT3, USB4 (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress Ethernet - 10/100/1000 BASE-T Compliance Solution
TekExpress MIPI C-PHY 2.0 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA)
Calibration Data Report
Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Option C3)
Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Option C5)
DPOJET: LPDDR4 Tx Electrical Validation Solution (Requires Opt. DJA, DDRA)
DDR5 System-level Tx TekExpress Compliance/Debug Automation Software (Requires Options SDLA64,DJA) Opt. VET is optional
DPOJET: DDR Tx Electrical Validation Solution - Supports DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4, LPDDR, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, GDDR3, GDDR5 (Requires Opt. DJA)
DPOJET Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools - Advanced
DPOJET Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools - Noise (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress DisplayPort - DisplayPort 1.2 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress DisplayPort - DisplayPort 1.4 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA, SDLA)
TekExpress DP21 Compliance and DPOJET: DP20 TX Plugin Solution (Requires Opt. CIO, DJA, and SDLA64)
TekExpress MIPI D-PHY 2.1 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA)
DPOJET: Embedded DisplayPort 1.2 Tx Measurement Plugin (Requires opt. DJA)
DPOJET: Embedded DisplayPort 1.4 Tx Measurement Plugin (Requires opt. DJA)
Frequency Counter-Timer
Three Year Gold Care Plan. Includes expedited repair of all product failures including ESD and EOS, access to a loaner product during repair or advanced exchange to reduce downtime, priority access to Customer Support among others
Five Year Gold Care Plan. Includes expedited repair of all product failures including ESD and EOS, access to a loaner product during repair or advanced exchange to reduce downtime, priority access to Customer Support among others
HDMI2.1 Advanced Analysis and Compliance software for Tx tests
TekExpress HDMI 2.0 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress HDMI 2.0 Rx Compliance Solution (Includes Rx tests for HDMI 1.4 using AWG70k, Requires Opt. HDM)
High Speed Serial Link Training Analysis for Ethernet Links
TDSHT3 - HDMI 1.4 Compliance Test Software
TDSHT3 - HDMI 1.4 Compliance Test Software Rx option (Requires HT3)
TekExpress DDR Tx - LPDDR5 System Level Tx Compliance/Debug Automation Solution. (Requires Opt. DJA, SDLA64, VET)
Waveform Limit Testing
TekExpress LVDS Tx Automation (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress MIPI M-PHY HS-Gear1, Gear2, Gear3, and Gear4 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA and SDLA64)
TekExpress MIPI M-PHY HS-Gear1, Gear2, Gear3, Gear 4, and Gear5 Tx Compliance Solution (Requires Opt. DJA and SDLA64)
TekExpress Ethernet TX - NBASE-T Compliance Solution. Supports IEEE P802.3bz, Section 16; NBASE-T
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis Software for electrical signals (Requires Opt. DJA)
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis Software for optical signals (Requires Opt. DJA)
PAM4 measurement analysis package for 802.3ck (Requires Opt. PAMJET-E, 400GCK-TX)
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis Software for electrical signals (Requires Opt. DJA)
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis Software for Optical signals (Requires Opt. DJA, DJAN)
PAM4 measurement analysis package for PCIe Gen6 (Requires Opt.PAMJET-E)
TekExpress PCIe Tx Compliance Solution and DPOJET: PCIe Tx Measurement Plugin. Supports PCIe Gen1/2/3 (Requires Opt. DJA, SR-PCIE)
TekExpress PCIe Tx Compliance Solution and DPOJET: PCIe Tx Measurement Plugin. Supports PCIe Gen 3/4 (Requires Opt. DJA, PCE3, SR-PCIE)
TekExpress PCIe Tx Compliance Solution, Supports PCIe Gen5 (Requires Opt. DJA)
PCI Express Gen6 TekExpress Compliance/Debug Automation Software (Requires Option DJA and PAMPCIe6)
Standard Warranty Extended to 3 Years. Covers parts, labor and 2-day shipping within country. Guarantees faster repair time than without coverage. All repairs include calibration and updates. Hassle free - a single call starts the process
Standard Warranty Extended to 5 Years. Covers parts, labor and 2-day shipping within country. Guarantees faster repair time than without coverage. All repairs include calibration and updates. Hassle free - a single call starts the process
SAS-3 TX Compliance Test Application
TekExpress SAS3 Tx Compliance Solution - Includes Opt. SAS3 (Requires Opt. DJA)
SW option only
DPOJET: SAS4 Tx Measurement Plugin. (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress SATA Tx Compliance Solution (PHY/TSG/OOB, Requires Opt. DJA)
SignalCorrect Cable, Channel, and Probe Compensation Software
Serial Data Link Analysis - Measurement Circuit De-embed, Simulation Circuit Embed, Transmitter & Receiver Equalization and Advanced Analysis and Modeling Tools
TekExpress SFP+ QSFP+ Tx - Ethernet SFP+/QSFP+ Compliance Solution and DPOJET: SFP+, QSFP+ Tx measurements plug-in. (Requires Opt. DJA)
TekExpress SFP+ QSFP+ Tx - Waveform Distortion Penalty measurements (Requires Opt. SFP-TX)
64b/66b Serial Triggering and Analysis (Requires Opt. ST14G)
Computer Serial Triggering & Analysis(RS232/422/485/UART)
MIPI D-PHY (DSI1 / CSI2) Serial Analysis
Embedded Serial Triggering and Analysis (I2C, SPI)
Ethernet Serial Analysis (10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX)
PCI Express Serial Triggering (Gen 1, 2) and Analysis (Gen 1, 2, 3, 4)
USB Serial Triggering and Analysis
Solid State Drive Assembly - Additional customer-installable removable drive with Microsoft Windows 10 OS, TekScope and applications software installed
High-Speed Serial Trigger and Decode up to 14.1Gb/s. Supports NRZ patterns and 8b10b serial buses.
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p measurement application (requires Opt SVE)
WLAN 802.11n measurement application (requires Opt SV23)
WLAN 802.11ac measurement application (requires Opt SV24)
APCO P25 compliance testing and analysis application (requires SVE)
SignalVu Bluetooth Basic LE TX SIG measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
SignalVu LTE DownLink RF measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
AM/FM/PM/Direct Audio measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
SignalVu Essentials Vector Signal Analysis Software
General purpose modulation analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
Flexible OFDM Analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)
Advanced Signal Analysis (including pulse measurements) (Requires Opt. SVE)
Frequency and Phase Settling Time Measurements (Requires Opt. SVE)
Switch Matrix support for DisplayPort 1.2 Tx (Requires Opt. DP12)
Switch Matrix support for PCIe Tx (Requires Opt. PCE, PCE3, PCE4)
TekExpress Thunderbolt 3 & Thunderbolt 4 Tx Compliance/Debug Automation Solution (Requires Opt. CIO, DJA, SDLA)
TekExpress USB 3.0 Tx Compliance Solution (requires DJA)
Upgrade TekExpress USB 3.0 dongle-based license to scope-based license
TekExpress USB 2.0 Automated Compliance Solution (requires USB, which is included)
TekExpress USB4 Tx Compliance and DPOJET: USB4 Tx/Rx Measurement Plugin Solution (Requires Opt. CIO, DJA, SDLA)
TekExpress USB 3.1 Tx Compliance Solution (5Gb and 10Gb) - Includes Opt. USB-TX, USB3, SSP (Requires Opt. DJA)
Visual Trigger and Search
TekExpress Ethernet Tx - 10GBASE-T Compliance Solution. Supports IEEE 802.3 Section 55

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results


50 GHz ATI Performance Oscilloscope System: 2 x 50 GHz, 200 GS/s or 4 x 33 GHz, 100 GS/s

Product ID: P-273479


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50 GHz ATI Performance Oscilloscope System: 2 x 50 GHz, 200 GS/s or 4 x 33 GHz, 100 GS/s

Product ID: P-651328

DPS75004SX SVE • SignalVu Essentials Vector Signal Analysis SoftwareDPS75004SX SVM • General purpose modulation analysis (Requires Opt. SVE)DPS75004SX VET • Visual Trigger and SearchDPS75004SX SVP • Advanced Signal Analysis (including pulse measurements) (Requires Opt. SVE)DPS75004SX 50XL • Extended record length: 1G/Ch (2 Channels) 500M/Ch (4 Channels)DPS75004SX R3 • Standard Warranty Extended to 3 Years. Covers parts, labor and 2-day shipping within country. Guarantees faster repair time than without coverage. All repairs include calibration and updates. Hassle free - a single call starts the process

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50 GHz ATI Performance Oscilloscope System: 2 x 50 GHz, 200 GS/s or 4 x 33 GHz, 100 GS/s

Product ID: P-243757

DPS75004SX SDLA64 • Serial Data Link Analysis - Measurement Circuit De-embed, Simulation Circuit Embed, Transmitter & Receiver Equalization and Advanced Analysis and Modeling ToolsDPS75004SX DJAN • DPOJET Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools - Noise (Requires Opt. DJA)DPS75004SX VET • Visual Trigger and SearchDPS75004SX DJA • DPOJET Jitter and Eye Analysis Tools - AdvancedDPS75004SX PCE3 • TekExpress PCIe Tx Compliance Solution and DPOJET: PCIe Tx Measurement Plugin. Supports PCIe Gen1/2/3 (Requires Opt. DJA, SR-PCIE)DPS75004SX PCE4 • TekExpress PCIe Tx Compliance Solution and DPOJET: PCIe Tx Measurement Plugin. Supports PCIe Gen 3/4 (Requires Opt. DJA, PCE3, SR-PCIE)

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* Prices & availability are subject to change without notice. All prices may vary due to shipping terms, VAT or sales tax, import duties, and exchange rates. Products may not be available in all locations. Any listed savings are based on the full list price of new instruments and are indicative depending on date of list; actual savings may vary based on option(s), configuration, currency exchange rates, and other factors. Warranty may vary by category or specific available product. All terms to be confirmed by full written quote or available to review in the Payment page when you buy online.
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