Showing 1 - 15 of 136 results
J-Bert High-Performance BERT; 64 GBaud
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 65 GSa/s
High-Performance BERT; 120 Gbaud
J-BERT High-Performance BERT
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 2 Channel, 10-bit, up to 25 Gs/s
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 256 GSa/s
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 1 Channel, 10-bit, up to 50 Gs/s
Analyzer Module, 32/64 GBaud, Error Detector
PAM-4 Pulse Pattern Generator; 32/64Gbaud Module for MP1900A
SI Pulse Pattern Generator Module; 21G / 32G bit/s
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 8 Channel, 16 bit, 2 GSamples/Channel Record Length
BERTWave; Sampling Oscilloscope
PAM-4 Error Detector; 32/58 Gbaud for MP1900A
BERT Signal Quality Analyzer Mainframe
Interference Source Module, 1-slot AXIe, 32 GHz
Showing 1 - 15 of 136 results
Electro Rent offers a wide range of solutions for Bit Error Rate testing. All our products are carefully selected by leading brands including Keysight, Rohde & Schwarz and Tektronix so that you can always find the best tools for your project. Our independent experts are available for product advice and flexible financial solutions.