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Preventivo Rapido: PCTel Gflex (01010)

PCTel Gflex (01010)

Gflex Scanning Receiver; 10 MHz to 8 GHz FR1 Bands
Gflex (01010)
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Wireless Communications

I modelli configurati contengono le seguenti caratteristiche:

Wireless CommunicationsDrive Test Systems
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Opzioni disponibili per PCTel Gflex (01010)

Opzione IDDescrizione
Gflex Walk Test Kit without mm-Wave RF Antenna OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP304-GBP - Gflex Backpack package (includes backpack, telescopic antenna mounts w/ bracket, *& sub 8GHz ext cable) OP417-G - Gflex Battery Pack OP558 - Indoor Antenna, 600 MHz - 8.5 GHz
Gflex Spectrum Analyzer Option
Gflex Enhanced Power Scan (EPS) Option
Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - FD/TD-LTE
Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - 5G NR
Layer 3 Option - 5G NR
Layer 3 Option - FD/TD-LE
Gflex Dual Polarization-Ericsson 2.5-6 GHz BS 5G NR Option
Hard Carrying Case, Gflex
ANT, 2.3 - 2.7 GHz, Horizontally Polarized Omnit-Directional Mag Mount 12'
Gflex Spectrum Analysis & Enhanced Power Scan (EPS)
Outdoor/Mobile Gflex Cable Package without mm-Wave RF Antenna. Includes: OP553 - Gflex Power Cable, Car lighter ( 9') OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP316-1 - Cable 1 Meter mmWave up to 50 GHz, M/F with 2.4 mm Connector OP294 - 600 MHz -10 GHz Multi-Band Mag Mount Antenna (12')

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Gflex FR1 Configuration

ID prodotto: P-579890

OP552 • Gflex Dual Polarization-Ericsson 2.5-6 GHz BS 5G NR OptionOP723 • ANT, 2.3 - 2.7 GHz, Horizontally Polarized Omnit-Directional Mag Mount 12'OP550-5GNR • Layer 3 Option - 5G NROP726 • Gflex Spectrum Analysis & Enhanced Power Scan (EPS)OP549-FD/TD-LTE • Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - FD/TD-LTEOTD-CBL-G • Outdoor/Mobile Gflex Cable Package without mm-Wave RF Antenna. Includes: OP553 - Gflex Power Cable, Car lighter ( 9') OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP316-1 - Cable 1 Meter mmWave up to 50 GHz, M/F with 2.4 mm Connector OP294 - 600 MHz -10 GHz Multi-Band Mag Mount Antenna (12')

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Gflex FR1 Configuration(Includes all FR1 bands, all E-UTRA bands, 10 MHz - 8 GHz Spectrum range)

ID prodotto: P-392212

OP547 • Gflex Spectrum Analyzer OptionOTD-CBL-G • Outdoor/Mobile Gflex Cable Package without mm-Wave RF Antenna. Includes: OP553 - Gflex Power Cable, Car lighter ( 9') OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP316-1 - Cable 1 Meter mmWave up to 50 GHz, M/F with 2.4 mm Connector OP294 - 600 MHz -10 GHz Multi-Band Mag Mount Antenna (12')OP548 • Gflex Enhanced Power Scan (EPS) OptionOP555 • Hard Carrying Case, GflexIND-CBL-G • Gflex Walk Test Kit without mm-Wave RF Antenna OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP304-GBP - Gflex Backpack package (includes backpack, telescopic antenna mounts w/ bracket, *& sub 8GHz ext cable) OP417-G - Gflex Battery Pack OP558 - Indoor Antenna, 600 MHz - 8.5 GHzOP549-NR • Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - 5G NR

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36.029,00 €*57.503,00 €

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Gflex FR1 Configuration field upgradeable to FR2

ID prodotto: P-643323

OP550-5GNR • Layer 3 Option - 5G NROP550-FD/TD-LTE • Layer 3 Option - FD/TD-LEOP548 • Gflex Enhanced Power Scan (EPS) OptionOP547 • Gflex Spectrum Analyzer OptionOP549-FD/TD-LTE • Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - FD/TD-LTEOP555 • Hard Carrying Case, Gflex

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Gflex FR1 Configuration field upgradeable to FR2 (Includes all FR1 bands, all E-UTRA bands)

ID prodotto: P-567636

OP549-FD/TD-LTE • Gflex Mobile Blind Scan Option - FD/TD-LTEOP726 • Gflex Spectrum Analysis & Enhanced Power Scan (EPS)OP552 • Gflex Dual Polarization-Ericsson 2.5-6 GHz BS 5G NR OptionOP723 • ANT, 2.3 - 2.7 GHz, Horizontally Polarized Omnit-Directional Mag Mount 12'OTD-CBL-G • Outdoor/Mobile Gflex Cable Package without mm-Wave RF Antenna. Includes: OP553 - Gflex Power Cable, Car lighter ( 9') OP556 - Cable, USB A to USB C 2M OP564 - Cable, USB C Plug to USB C Plug 6.56', 2.00 M, Shielded OP316-1 - Cable 1 Meter mmWave up to 50 GHz, M/F with 2.4 mm Connector OP294 - 600 MHz -10 GHz Multi-Band Mag Mount Antenna (12')OP555 • Hard Carrying Case, Gflex

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* Prezzi e disponibilità sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso. Tutti i prezzi possono variare a causa dei termini di spedizione, IVA o imposta sulle vendite, dazi doganali e tassi di cambio. I prodotti potrebbero non essere disponibili in tutte le località. Qualsiasi risparmio elencato si basa sul prezzo di listino completo di nuovi strumenti; i risparmi effettivi possono variare in base alle opzioni, alla configurazione, ai tassi di cambio e ad altri fattori. La garanzia può variare in base alla categoria o al prodotto specifico disponibile. Tutti i termini devono essere confermati da una quotazione scritta.

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