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Preventivo Rapido: Keysight Technologies M9484C

Keysight Technologies M9484C

Microwave Vector Signal Generator
Famiglia di prodotti
RF & Microwave Signal Generators
Keysight Technologies

I modelli configurati contengono le seguenti caratteristiche:

RF & Microwave Signal GeneratorsVector Signal Generators
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Opzioni disponibili per Keysight Technologies M9484C

Opzione IDDescrizione
N7653APPC-1FP PathWave automatic channel response correction and S-parameter de-embedding
M9484APPC-1FP Signal generator activation software for M9484C, NL perpetual License
SHC 7, 1 x 520 w/ AN1
SHC 14, 2 x 554 w/ AN1 + M9032A + RefDist
Signal Generator Core Software for M9484C, NL perpetual license, 1 year
Add channel 1
High output power from 9 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz
High output power from 9 kHz to 31.8, 44, or 54 GHz
Flexible reference input
Add channel 2
AWGN and CW interferer
High performance reference
CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz
CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 31.8 GHz
CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHz
Enhanced high performance reference
Ch1 508 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz
Ch2 508 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz
Ch3 508 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz
Ch4 508 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz
Ch1 520 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Ch2 520 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Ch3 520 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Ch4 520 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 20 GHz
Ch1 554 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHz
Ch2 554 Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHz
Ch1 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory
Ch2 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory
Ch3 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory
Ch4 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory
Ch1 R2E RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory, limited
Ch2 R2E RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory, limited
Ch1 1EA High output power from 9 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz
Ch2 1EA High output power from 9 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz
Ch3 1EA High output power from 9 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz
Ch4 1EA High output power from 9 kHz to 6 or 8.5 GHz
Ch1 1EB High output power from 9 kHz to 14 or 20 GHz
Ch2 1EB High output power from 9 kHz to 14 or 20 GHz
Ch3 1EB High output power from 9 kHz to 14 or 20 GHz
Ch4 1EB High output power from 9 kHz to 14 or 20 GHz
Ch1 1EC High output power from 9 kHz to 31.8, 44, or 54 GHz
Ch2 1EC High output power from 9 kHz to 31.8, 44, or 54 GHz
Ch1 1EE High output power from 9 kHz to 43.5 GHz, limited above 43.5 GHz
Ch2 1EE High output power from 9 kHz to 43.5 GHz, limited above 43.5 GHz
Ch1 ST5 Low phase noise
Ch2 ST5 Low phase noise
Ch1 ST6 Enhanced low phase noise
Ch2 ST6 Enhanced low phase noise
Ch3 ST6 Enhanced low phase noise
Ch4 ST6 Enhanced low phase noise
Ch1 500 High performance reference
Ch2 500 High performance reference
Ch1 600 Enhanced high performance reference
Ch2 600 Enhanced high performance reference
Ch3 600 Enhanced high performance reference
Ch4 600 Enhanced high performance reference
Ch1 8SG 8 virtual signal generators (multiple IQ paths to RF)
Ch2 8SG 8 virtual signal generators (multiple IQ paths to RF)
Ch3 8SG 8 virtual signal generators (multiple IQ paths to RF)
Ch4 8SG 8 virtual signal generators (multiple IQ paths to RF)
One channel configuration
Two channel configuration
Four channel configuration
Signal descriptor word st
Ch1 403 Calibrated AWGN
Ch2 403 Calibrated AWGN
Ch3 403 AWGN and CW interferer
Ch4 403 AWGN and CW interferer
Ch1 M40 Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa
Ch2 M40 Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa
Ch3 M40 Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa
Ch4 M40 Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa
Ch1 1EH Improved harmonics below 3.8 GHz
Ch2 1EH Improved harmonics below 3.8 GHz
Ch3 1EH Improved harmonics below 3.8 GHz
Ch4 1EH Improved harmonics below 3.8 GHz
Ch1 PME Limited pulse modulation
Ch2 PME Limited pulse modulation
Ch1 PMR Pulse modulation
Ch2 PMR Pulse modulation
Ch3 PMR Pulse modulation
Ch4 PMR Pulse modulation
Ch1 303 Multifunction generator
Ch2 303 Multifunction generator
Ch3 303 Multifunction generator
Ch4 303 Multifunction generator
Ch1 320 Pulse train generator
Ch2 320 Pulse train generator
Ch3 320 Pulse train generator
Ch4 320 Pulse train generator
Ch1 UNT AM, FM phase modulation
Ch2 UNT AM, FM phase modulation
Ch3 UNT AM, FM phase modulation
Ch4 UNT AM, FM phase modulation
Ch1 UNQ Band limited fast switching
Ch2 UNQ Band limited fast switching
Ch1 UNZ Fast switching
Ch2 UNZ Fast switching
Ch3 UNZ Fast switching
Ch4 UNZ Fast switching
Auxiliary LO
Analog I/O for LF out, AM, FM, PM inputs, single-ended IQ outputs
Channel bonding, 5 GHz
Differential IQ outputs
Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa
Phase coherency for N channels
RF bandwidth, 1 GHz with 256 MSa memory
RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memory
Multichassis multiport synchronization distribution
Low phase noise
Enhanced low phase noise
PathWave Signal Generation for Custom Modulations, PC application
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Signal Studio for WLAN 802.11, waveform playback
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months

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Microwave vector signal source test set; CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHz

ID prodotto: P-647070

N7608APPC-R-Y5B-001-A • Node-locked perpetual licenseN7617EMBC • Signal Studio for WLAN 802.11, waveform playbackN7617EMBC-R-Y5B-001-A • Node-locked perpetual licenseN7617EMBC-R-Y6B-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsN7608APPC • PathWave Signal Generation for Custom Modulations, PC applicationM9484C-M40 • Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa

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Microwave vector signal source test set; CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHz

ID prodotto: P-551694

M9484C-554 • CW Frequency range, 9 kHz to 54 GHzM9484C-500 • High performance referenceM9484C-001 • Add channel 1M9484C-R10 • RF bandwidth, 1 GHz with 256 MSa memoryM9484C-ST5 • Low phase noiseM9484C-1EC • High output power from 9 kHz to 31.8, 44, or 54 GHz

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Microwave vector signal source test set; 9 kHz to 20 GHz; 1-channel; 1EB,ST6

ID prodotto: P-645117

M9484AP1C-F12 • Signal Generator Core Software for M9484C, NL perpetual license, 1 yearM9484-60107 • SHC 7, 1 x 520 w/ AN1M9484C-863 • Ch1 303 Multifunction generatorM9484C-D24 • N7699A-D24 Software license utilityM9484C-867 • Ch1 320 Pulse train generatorM9484C-785 • Ch1 600 Enhanced high performance reference

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Microwave vector signal source test set; 9 kHz to 20 GHz; 2-channel; 1EB,CB5,ST6

ID prodotto: P-644700

M9484C-832 • Ch2 403 Calibrated AWGNM9484C-750 • Ch2 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memoryM9484C-852 • Ch2 1EH Improved harmonics below 3.8 GHzM9484C-789 • Ch1 8SG 8 virtual signal generators (multiple IQ paths to RF)M9484C-802 • Two channel configurationM9484C-778 • Ch2 ST6 Enhanced low phase noise

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Microwave vector signal source test set; 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 1-channel; 1EA,ST6

ID prodotto: P-644701

M9484C-749 • Ch1 R25 RF bandwidth, 2.5 GHz with 256 MSa memoryM9484C-777 • Ch1 ST6 Enhanced low phase noiseM9484C-867 • Ch1 320 Pulse train generatorM9484C-863 • Ch1 303 Multifunction generatorM9484C-879 • Ch1 UNZ Fast switchingM9484C-847 • Ch1 M40 Baseband generator memory upgrade to 4096 Msa

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Microwave vector signal source test set; 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz; 2-channel; CB5,ST6

ID prodotto: P-644030

M9484C-786 • Ch2 600 Enhanced high performance referenceM9484AP1C-F12 • Signal Generator Core Software for M9484C, NL perpetual license, 1 yearM9484C-863 • Ch1 303 Multifunction generatorM9484C-867 • Ch1 320 Pulse train generatorM9484C-832 • Ch2 403 Calibrated AWGNM9484C-879 • Ch1 UNZ Fast switching

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