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Preventivo Rapido: Keysight Technologies N5245B

Keysight Technologies N5245B

PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer; 900 Hz/10 MHz to 50 GHz
Famiglia di prodotti
RF & Microwave Network Analyzers
Keysight Technologies

I modelli configurati contengono le seguenti caratteristiche:

RF & Microwave Network AnalyzersNetwork Analyzers >=20GHz20GHz <= 50GHz1MHz <= 10MHz2.4mm-Male (Jack)Benchtop
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Panoramica del prodotto

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Opzioni disponibili per Keysight Technologies N5245B

Opzione IDDescrizione
Synthesizer and reference assembly, version 7 DDS, single-source
Installed software - B
Rack mount kit for installation without handles
Rack mount kit for installation with handles
Internal use only -Automatic Fixture Removal
Internal use only -Pulsed RF measurements
Internal Use Only - Time Domain
Internal use only - Enhanced Time Domain with TDR, fixed perpetual license
Internal use only -Dynamic uncertainty for S-Parameter Measurements
Add IF inputs
Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
Internal use only - Mechanical noise tuner control
Internal use only -Noise figure measurements using standard receivers
Add noise receiver to 50 GHz
Internal Use Only - Frequency Offset Measurements
Internal use only -Vector and scalar calibrated converter measurements
Internal use only -Embedded LO measurements
Internal use only -Gain compression application
Internal use only -Intermodulation distortion measurements
Internal use only -Source phase control
Internal use only -Differential and I/Q devices application
Active Hot Parameters, fixed perpetual license
Fast CW Mode
2-Port Single Source, Base Hardware Configuration
2-port, configurable test set
2-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
2-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, second source, combiner, mechanical switches
2-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, second source, combiner, mechanical
4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees
4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, combiner, mechanical switches
4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanical
4 port configurable test set, second source, attenuators, low frequency extension, combiner and mechanical switches
Internal use only -Integrated true-mode
Internal use only -Nonlinear component characterization, full frequency range
Internal use only -Nonlinear X-parameters
Internal use only -Nonlinear pulse envelope domain
Internal use only -Arbitrary load impedance X-parameters
Internal use only -Arbitrary load-control X-parameters
Internal use only - Arbitrary Load Control, Device Characterization, fixed perpetual license
Internal use only -N-port calibrated measurements
Nameplate, Standard
Nameplate, LFE
Base box 4 port + 423 + 029
Internal use only - Base box 4 port + 425
Internal use only - Base box 4 port + 425 + 029
Built-in performance test software for standards compliant calibration, perpetual license
ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
Internal use only -Spectrum analysis, up to 50 GHz
Internal use only - Modulation distortion up to 50 GHz
KeysightCare Assured - Extend to 3 years
Automatic fixture removal
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Time-domain analysis, fixed perpetual license
Time-domain analysis licence for PNA/PNA-X series network analysers
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Enhanced time domain analysis with TDR
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Real-time S-Parameter and Power Measurement Uncertainty
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Basic pulsed-RF measurements, fixed perpetual license
Basic pulsed-RF measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Advanced pulsed-RF measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Mechanical noise tuner control
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Noise figure measurements with vector correction, fixed perpetual license
Noise figure measurements with vector correction
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Frequency-offset measurements, fixed perpetual license
Frequency-offset measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements, fixed perpetual license
Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Embedded-LO capability
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Gain-compression measurements, fixed perpetual license
Gain-compression measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Intermodulation distortion measurements, fixed perpetual license
Intermodulation distortion measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Source phase control, fixed perpetual license
Source phase control
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Differential and I/Q device measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Active Hot Parameters
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Fast CW measurements
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
PNA-X Core Software to 50 GHz
Core Software node-locked perpetual license
Core software updates and enhancements, node-locked - 1 year
Built-in performance test software
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Device measurement eXpert - DMX
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Modulation distortion up to 50 GHz
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Spectrum analysis, up to 50 GHz, fixed perpetual license
Spectrum analysis up to 50 GHz
Node-locked perpetual license
KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
Windows 7 OS
Windows 10 OS

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer

ID prodotto: P-181769

N5245B-423 • 4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanicalN5245B-021 • Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer

ID prodotto: P-609729

N5245B-224 • 2-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, second source, combiner, mechanicalN5245B-029 • Add noise receiver to 50 GHz

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer

ID prodotto: P-594373

S94601B • Device measurement eXpert - DMXS94601B-R-A6A-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsS93086B • Gain-compression measurementsS93087B-R-A5A-001-A • Node-locked perpetual licenseN5245B-419 • 4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias teesS93087B • Intermodulation distortion measurements

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer; 4-port, config. test set, 2nd source, source atten

ID prodotto: P-468411

N5245B-029 • Add noise receiver to 50 GHzS93086B • Gain-compression measurementsN5245B-423 • 4-port, configurable test set, second source, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, combiner, mechanicalS93087B • Intermodulation distortion measurementsS93087B-R-A6A-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsS93086B-R-A5A-001-A • Node-locked perpetual license

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer

ID prodotto: P-244769

S93084B • Embedded-LO capabilityS93084B-R-A5A-001-A • Node-locked perpetual licenseN5245B-224 • 2-port, configurable test set, source attenuators, receiver attenuators, bias tees, second source, combiner, mechanicalS93084B-R-A6A-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsS93083B-R-A6A-001-L • KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 monthsS93083B-R-A5A-001-A • Node-locked perpetual license

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10 MHz to 50 GHz PNA-X network analyzer

ID prodotto: P-548909

N5245B-425 • 4 port configurable test set, second source, attenuators, low frequency extension, combiner and mechanical switches

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