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PIM Master Backpack accessory kit
PIM Master accessory kit with hard case
RF & MW Handheld Analyzer Accessories
PIM Hunter Test Probe
Filter Kit; Two-Port PIM Testing, with Accessories, 700 MHz
InterferenceAdvisor System
4.3-10 Low PIM Adapter Kit Mini DIN
Calibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm(f)
AntennaAdvisor Handle
Calibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 18 GHz, Type-N(f), 50 ohm
Portable YAGI Antenna, 885 - 975 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd
DC-18GHz, Type-N(m) 4-in1 Calibration kit open, short, load and through, 50ohm
Calibration kit, 4-in-1, open, short, load and through, DC to 26.5 GHz, 3.5 mm(m)
Test Port Extension Cable; Armored, 1.5 meters, DC to 6.0 GHz, N(m) - N(f), 50 Ω
Bandpass Filter; 703 MHz to 748 MHz
Sono visualizzati 1 - 15 su 35 risultati
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