Smarter Procurement for Test and Measurement
With nations committing to increased defence spending as supply chain challenges persist and economic uncertainty continues, the sector needs ways to invest while keeping costs and risks under control. Equipment rental helps organisations address these challenges head-on, avoiding lengthy lead times and reducing investment risk, with the flexibility to change as projects, technology, and standards evolve.
Our rental inventory contains over 60,000 instruments, with rentals delivered quickly, fully calibrated and ready to support your projects.
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Getting the Measure of Test Equipment Investment Strategies in the Aerospace Sector
By re-evaluating their test procurement strategies to move away from the costly practice of sourcing new test equipment aerospace companies can better navigate current industry challenges. Read our article to learn how a more versatile procurement methodology based on rental or the acquisition of top-quality pre-owned equipment can help them face the future head-on.
Our rental solutions offer the fastest and most effecitve way to test some of the most complex A&D technologies.