Semiconductor ATE-Class Digital on the Open PXI Platform PXI Digital Pattern Instruments deliver ATE-class digital to the industry-standard PXI platform for testing a broad range of RF and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs). The NI PXI platform and NI Semiconductor Test System (STS) are an ideal platform for characterization and production test of RF and mixed-signal ICs from RF front ends and power management ICs to transceivers and Internet of Things systems on chip with built-in connectivity and sensors.
Key Features:
Includes Digital Pattern Editor for pattern development and debugging, API support for LabVIEW and text-based languages, shipping examples, and detailed help files .
- 32-channel, 100 MHz vector rate with 39.0625 ps of edge placement resolution
- Digital voltage -2 V to 6 V, and PPMU force voltage -2 V to 7 V
- Up to 200 Mb/s data rate and 160 MHz clock generation
- Combine multiple modules to create digital subsystems with up to 512 channels
- Dedicated source, capture, and history memory resources for up to eight parallel test sites