Oscilloscopes & Logic AnalyzersOscilloscopes 1 - 3GHz请参考资源中的资料文档或查看产品总览。
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The 5 Series MSO Low Profile is based on the 5 Series MSO benchtop platform. The benchtop 5 Series MSO has a remarkably innovative pinch-swipe-zoom touchscreen user interface, the industry's largest high-definition display, and 4, 6, or 8 FlexChannel inputs that let you measure a single analog channel waveform, a spectral view of the analog input, simultaneous analog and spectral views with independent acquisition controls for each domain, or eight digital logic inputs (with TLP058 logic probe). The 5 Series MSO is ready for today's toughest challenges, and tomorrow's too. It sets a new standard for performance, analysis, and overall user experience.
Like the benchtop 5 Series MSO, the low profile instrument offers FlexChannel inputs, an optional arbitrary/function generator output, and a built-in digital voltmeter and trigger frequency counter. And, if you plug in an external touch-capable monitor you can experience the same revolutionary pinch-swipe-zoom user experience as if you were in front of the benchtop 5 Series MSO.
Key Features: