PIM blankets are temporary RF barriers that can be deployed on rooftops, both in front of as well as behind base station antennas to help isolate sources of Passive intermodulation (PIM). When a PIM blanket is placed over an external PIM source, PIM from that source typically reduces by >30 dB. PIM blankets not only help validate the exact location of external PIM but also show the level of improvement that could be achieved with a permanent repair.
Key Features |
Low PIM |
>30 dB PIM attenuation typical |
Integrated tie-down loops |
Durable and weatherproof |
Benefits |
PIM Performance | IM3 < -120 dBm when tested in accordance with proposed IEC 62037-8, far field test, 2x 20W test tones, static test, vertical orientation. |
RF Attenuation | >10 dB (600 MHz to 2 GHz)
>20 dB (>2 GHz
Construction | Low PIM metal foil sandwiched between heavy duty vinyl outer fabric layers. Nylon webbing tie-down loops provided at corners. |
Specifications |
PIM Blankets |
Model Overview |
Model / Part Number | Description |
007640-120060 | PIM Blanket;
120 Inch x 60 Inch
3.05 m x 1.52 m
007640-060060 | PIM Blanket;
60 Inch x 60 Inch
1.52 m x 1.52 m
007640-060030 | PIM Blanket;
60 Inch x 30 Inch
1.52 m x 0.75 m
007640-030030 | PIM Blanket;
30 Inch x 30 Inch
0.75 m x 0.75 m
007640-240008 | PIM Blanket;
240 Inch x 8 Inch
6.09 m x 0.20 m